
ClassiX shell

ClassiX shell

(Formerly: Monitor Window)

Clicking the right mouse button while holding down the Alt key over a window object opens the ClassiX shell.

 ClassiX Shell Description


The buttons in the toolbar have the following meaning:

Button Meaning
Calls the source code editor of the window object (registered via the environment variable CX_EDITOR). If the module has derivatives, the Inheritance path of the modules is displayed first to select the module to be called
Reloads the current module
Activates the external InstantView® debugger
InstantView logging: Output of the passing module lines in the log file
calls up the Inspector object

Press F1 to access this documentation of the ClassiX shell, but also the documentation of the InstantView® language element on which the cursor is currently located; this applies both within the command lines and to the action list.

Command lines 1 and 2

In the command lines, InstantView® instructions can be executed immediately.

Command line 1 is suitable for multi-line input. Here the entered command is triggered by the key combination Ctrl+Enter, since a simple Enter inserts a line.

Command line 2 is suitable for a single-line, short input. Here the entered command is triggered with a single Enter.

Previously entered commands can be recalled with Cursor Up/Down, but also with the help of the command history (see below) . Pressing ESC deletes the entire command line. Text manipulation of all kinds, such as cut or paste, is possible in the command lines.

Status bar

The status line outputs the result of the last executed InstantView® instruction. If there is no output or no result for this instruction (e.g. due to an incorrect command), the status line indicates this accordingly with a simple"Result:-".


The status line cannot be manipulated. However, its contents can be saved to the clipboard manually or with a corresponding key combination.

The Notebook in the right part of the ClassiX shell

The first page is called "Stack"; it is opened when calling the ClassiX shell and contains the stack in form of a list as well as other small widgets for its easier manipulation and use.

The second page is called "History"; it must first be accessed if necessary and contains the history of the last InstantView® instructions entered.

Stack list and stack depth

The stack list: If a command which creates or modifies an element is executed via one of the two command lines, this element is then saved in the form of a list representing the stack. The last-in-first-out principle of a normal stack applies: the last created or manipulated element is at the top of the list. If an instruction is faulty, or if no element is created by it, nothing is added to the stack list.

ClassiX Shell Stack

The stack depth shows how many elements are currently in the stack and renews itself if this value changes.

The Drop-All button has the same effect as executing the command "DropAll" in one of the two command lines - the entire stack is deleted.

On the stack list itself, some key combinations and mouse actions are possible for easy manipulation. These are as follows:

Key combination Meaning
Ctrl + C Copies all selected elements to the clipboard
Ctrl + A Selects all elements
Double click Places a copy of the element on the stack top


Deletes all selected elements

Selection is possible by holding down the Shift and Ctrl keys and using the arrow, picture and position keys.

Command History

The command history displays all instructions that have been executed by the user via the command lines of the ClassiX Shell in form of a list. Any kind of instruction is stored - even faulty ones. This makes it possible to check work processes afterwards for their correctness and to trace back errors. The newest entry is at the bottom of the list, the oldest at the top.

The entries of this list are stored in an external history file ("IVCommandsComputerName.txt" in the CX_SYSTEM_OUT directory), so that they are retained even after restarting the programme or computer. Accordingly, the history can only be manipulated via this very logger file.

Note: The file is read in when the ClassiX shell is opened and the history entries are generated from it. When the shell is closed, the file is regenerated from the existing history entries. This can lead to some commands not being written to the history when several ClassiX shells are open because they have been overwritten by another shell.

If an identical instruction is executed several times in immediate succession, it is only included once in the course for the sake of simplicity.

If an entry of the command history is selected with the mouse, it is mapped in command line 1:

ClassiX Shell Befehlsverlauf

On the command history, navigation is only allowed with the mouse and the position keys. Arrow and picture keys have no effect.

Module and widget name

In the lower right corner of the ClassiX shell the name of the module on which the ClassiX shell has been called and the name of the corresponding widget is displayed. These cannot be manipulated, but their contents can be copied to the clipboard manually or by using shortcuts.

ClassiX Shell Modul  Und Widgetname

Note: Access to the ClassiX shell can be blocked for certain users: see CX_SECURITY_OPTIONS